Lovely Professional University has recently been ranked among top 15 private B-Schools in India. This is indicated for this year’s survey in the April-2011 issue of ‘Bhaskar Lakshya’- a popular monthly magazine. In this regard, the Chancellor of the University, Mr Ashok Mittal informed the media: “The survey has ranked our University at number 13 among top 50 such schools of the country. It is the consistency across all parameters of survey which has enabled it to be one among top.”He further said, “Top Magazines, Newspapers and TV Channels have been regularly considering LPU as one of the leading Universities in providing quality education. Thus these have provided good rankings to the University in various areas like placements, industry interface, infrastructure, international relations, Health Care etc.” Adding more, he said: “It is good to know that well-reputed magazines are also keen to improve & upgrade such crucial surveys. These surveys actually have a huge impact on students who find it difficult at times to choose among the lot. Such up-gradations are really appreciable.”
In this line, Star News has already awarded LPU with national ‘Outstanding B-School – North’ and’B-School Leadership – National’ Award. Whereas, Zee News ranks it as11th Best University in Placements, 16th in providing Best Study Environment and 17th Best University (Overall) in India. The Financial Express of Indian Express Group holds it1st (with A++ grade) in Infrastructure in India, 4th (with A++ grade) Best University across India, 4th(with A++ grade) Best Placements across India, 4th(with A++ grade) in Intellectual Capital across. Similarly, Business India, Electronics For You, Business Digest, Business Barons, Times of India(Education Times), Competition Success Review (CSR), Career 360, Dalal Street Journal, 4 Ps, The Week and so many others have much to say.
It is worth illustration that the University has achieved this ranking scaling with other reputed B-Schools of the country like SP Jain Institute of Management and Research (Mumbai), Mudra Institute of Communication (Ahemdabad), Xavier Institute of Management (Bhuvnaeshwar), Christ University-Institute of Management, Bangluru. In fact, ever since its inception, LPU has excelled in providing students with state-of-the-art facilities towards dissemination of knowledge. And, its MBA Programmes are liked not only by students across India but also by students from foreign lands. The pedagogy towards these is specially designed to cater to the needs of the Industry. Methods of teaching provide the students freedom to present their own thoughts and ideas forward. The faculty comprises of experienced professors and industry people with an abundance of knowledge- treasure to share. As such, it has achieved various accolades in terms of coveted Rankings.
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